Friday, November 16, 2012


Swami Ranganathananda
1908 - 2005

``One day we came to know that Maharaj (Swami Ranganathananda) was very sick and was admitted to the I.C.U. of a nursing home. I, being a doctor, was permitted to go inside. He was having drips for treatment of diabetes. The same evening he was to release a book written by somebody. I requested Maharaj not to leave the hospital and cancel the book-release that day, as he was very sick. But to my surprise, though he could not sit properly, he took permission from the doctors, went to the venue of the function and released the book, then went back to the nursing home. This showed his determination to serve the cause and keep his commitment. It also showed that he had no body consciousness.`` 1


  1. The Monk without Frontiers (Reminiscences by Dr. Shunila Malik), Swami Ranganathananda Birth Centenary Celebration Committee. Page No. 513-514
  2. Photo courtesy – Vivekananda Institute of Human Excellence, Hyderabad – 500 029 

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